Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Highs and Lows #18

I loved the field trips that we got to take. Also, while I never thought I would say this, I also enjoyed my service learning experience.  They were the rare opportunities that we got to venture outside of the classroom and see many of the things that we discussed in class be put to use.  While I grudgingly headed to my service learning, I truly did love my time there and have made plans to go back because I now truly believe in what they are trying to do.  Even if we find a way to correct global warming and our current food system is not destroyed, it would be good to have the skills to maintain my own sustainable garden.  It could be more cost effective and provide its own type of mental therapy.

One thing that I did find difficult for this class was the amount of work.  As I am a senior, my core classes took priority throughout this semester and I made the mistake of letting this one fall to the side.  Because this class is required for all students I did not expect the work load to be so great and was not prepared to balance this with everything else that I had to do for the college of education.

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