Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In the Year 2000 #13

Saving the Everglades is something that should be important to every Floridian.  It is a designated national park but at the time of this article, it was falling to pieces.  There was a major push for an Everglades restoration project which, despite cost concerns, most politicians were behind.  It is difficult to justify not supporting the restoration of one of the mostly untouched areas of the state and conservationists were pushing the plan heavily.
The only issues was that the conservationists were concerned as to what was actually going to be done and, like every other environmental bill run at either the state or national level, politics got in the way.
While I understand that our government has a representative government in place to uphold the ideals of the constituency, I cannot grasp how this fell through the cracks at any point.  The interest groups in Florida believed that it would elevate the rights of the environment over the people and it seemed as though the action was dead in the water.  It is upsetting that people do not understand that the environment and nature determine the well being and very existence of the people that they are so concerned about.  It is easy to forget what is important in this world but preserving what little nature we have left should not slip through the cracks so easily.

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